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Continuous Integration as a Service

As part of our development and support workflow, we have gradually built up a Continuous Integration (CI) platform to run automated tests and builds. It’s become such an essential part of our ever-growing toolkit that we are now offering it as a service to select customers.

Client Service Manager

Getting started with front-end automation: An intro to npm

At PreviousNext this past year, we have started using a style-guide-centric approach that matches our Agile development practices. We write our styles and markup as components and then use automation to build, test, and add them to a style guide.

Since we are a Drupal shop, you might expect that all our automation is done with PHP, but we’ve found, on the front-end side, the best tools are written in Node.js. Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman, Bower, Eslint and more are all written in Node.js and installed and distributed with its package manager, npm.

Senior Front-end Developer

How to index panelizer node pages using Drupal Apache Solr module

Apache Solr Search is a great module for integrating your Drupal site with the powerful Apache Solr search tool. Out of the box it can index nodes and their fields, but Panelizer pages won't be indexed. In this post I show how you can get around this by indexing the rendered HTML of a panelizer node page.

Our year of giving back

One of the best things about running a sustainable company is our ability to give back to Drupal, our community and the environment, and this year has been no different.

Innovative Collaboration with the aGov Drupal distro

Pia Waugh, Director of Coordination and Gov 2.0 for Technology & Procurement Division, at the Australian Government Department of Finance recently gave a talk about collaborative innovation. She challenged attendees from the public sector to step outside their organisational silos and work together to make the most of their resources.  She acknowledges the constant pressure public servants are under when being asked to deliver more and more with less and less, but suggests collaborative innovation as the key to doing exactly that.

To Alter or Dispatch: Drupal 8 Events versus Alter Hooks

Drupal 8 comes with two extension points for module developers to allow other modules to interact with their code.

The trusty alter hook, the linchpin of Drupal versions past is still there - allowing other modules to interact and intervene in the behaviour of your module.

But there is a new kid on the block, the event system.

So as a module developer how do you decide whether to use the alter system or the event system.

Drupal 8 Accelerate

PreviousNext helps drive the push towards the release of Drupal 8, with financial support for the Drupal Association and our team members providing development expertise.
