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Drupal Development

A modern alternative to Hooks

This post introduces a completely new way of implementing Drupal hooks. You can finally get rid of your .module files, eliminating many calls to \Drupal with dependency injection in hooks.

Overview of our Front-end Stack

Front-end technology stacks tend to move quickly. At PreviousNext, we are constantly evolving the tech stack to take advantage of best practices.

Creating a layout plugin with dynamic regions

Layout plugins in Drupal are typically declared via a YML file, with the regions nominated ahead of time. But what happens if you need your regions to be dynamic, such as an arbitrary number of tabs in a tabset? 

Migrate from drush_cmi_tools for Drupal 9

Prior to Drupal 9, Drush CMI Tools was our standard approach for config management. Drush CMI tools have been deprecated for Drupal 9 and replaced by the Config Ignore 3 community-supported project that provides the same functionality.