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Lee Rowlands
Senior Developer



Lee has 22 years professional development experience with PHP, is a member of the security team and maintains the forum, comment, contact, contextual and block content modules in Drupal core along with at least 30 contrib projects. He is also the framework manager for core.

My blog posts

New in core: a layout builder for Drupal 8.5.0

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8.5.0 will come with a new experimental module, Layout Builder.

What is layout builder? Well its basically panelizer in core.

Watch the screencast for a quick run down of how to setup, configure and use it.

Ok Drupal - talking to Drupal

by lee.rowlands /

In November 2017 I presented at Drupal South on using Dialogflow to power conversational interfaces with Drupal.

The video and slides are below, the demo in which I talk to Drupal starts in the first minute.

Safely extending Drupal 8 plugin classes without fear of constructor changes

by lee.rowlands /

From time to time you may find you need to extend another module's plugins to add new functionality.

You may also find you need to alter the signature of the constructor in order to inject additional dependencies.

However plugin constructors are considered internal in Drupal's BC policy.

So how do you safely do this without introducing the risk of breakage if things change.

In this article we'll show you a quick trick learned from Search API module to avoid this issue.

Sending Drupal entities to dialogflow with Chatbot API module

by lee.rowlands /

Services like dialogflow (formerly do a much better job of natural language parsing (NLP) if they're aware of your entity names in advance.

For example, it can recognize that show me the weather in Bundaberg is a request for weather in Bundaberg, if you've told it ahead of time that Bundaberg is a valid value for the City entity.

Having the entity values automatically update in your service of choice when they're created and changed in Drupal makes this much more efficient.

This article will show you how to achieve that.

Using Composer to debug issues updating Drupal core

by lee.rowlands /

This week whilst trying to update one of our projects to the latest version of Drupal 8 core, we had some issues.

We use Composer to manage our dependencies, modules etc, and on this particular occasion, things weren't straightforward.

In order to solve it, we had to use some of the lesser known features of Composer, so decided to share.
