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Lee Rowlands
Senior Developer






Lee has 22 years professional development experience with PHP, is a member of the security team and maintains the forum, comment, contact, contextual and block content modules in Drupal core along with at least 30 contrib projects. He is also the framework manager for core.

My blog posts

Using Drupal's Entity Definition Update Manager to add bundle support to an existing content entity

On a client project we were using a custom Drupal content entity to model some lightweight reusable content.

The content entity was originally single use and did not support bundles (e.g. node entities have node-type bundles).

As the project evolved, we needed to add bundle support for the custom entity-type, despite it already being in production use.

Read on to find out how we achieved this.

by lee.rowlands /

Over 3000 reasons to come to the Drupal South 2019 sprint

The 2019 Drupal South sprint is shaping up to be the biggest contribution event in the Australia-Pacific region since Drupalcon Sydney 2013.

This year, core-contributors with over 3000 commit credits between them will be in attendance, including 3 members of the core committers team, 3 members of the Drupal security team, 7 core module/subsystem maintainers as well as maintainers of major contrib modules and command-line tools.

With Drupal 9 just around the corner, this will be a great chance to help the community get popular modules ready for Drupal 9, meet some great people and help shape the future of Drupal.

The PreviousNext team are sponsoring and helping to run the sprint day on Wednesday, November 27th 2019, and there are a few things you can do now to hit the ground running on the day.

by lee.rowlands /

New in core: a layout builder for Drupal 8.5.0

Drupal 8.5.0 will come with a new experimental module, Layout Builder.

What is layout builder? Well its basically panelizer in core.

Watch the screencast for a quick run down of how to setup, configure and use it.

by lee.rowlands /

Ok Drupal - talking to Drupal

In November 2017 I presented at Drupal South on using Dialogflow to power conversational interfaces with Drupal.

The video and slides are below, the demo in which I talk to Drupal starts in the first minute.

by lee.rowlands /