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Lee Rowlands
Senior Developer






Lee has 22 years professional development experience with PHP, is a member of the security team and maintains the forum, comment, contact, contextual and block content modules in Drupal core along with at least 30 contrib projects. He is also the framework manager for core.

My blog posts

To Alter or Dispatch: Drupal 8 Events versus Alter Hooks

Drupal 8 comes with two extension points for module developers to allow other modules to interact with their code.

The trusty alter hook, the linchpin of Drupal versions past is still there - allowing other modules to interact and intervene in the behaviour of your module.

But there is a new kid on the block, the event system.

So as a module developer how do you decide whether to use the alter system or the event system.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 Critical Office hours

In an effort to continue the velocity of work on Drupal 8 criticals from the Ghent criticals sprint, we've taken it upon ourselves to get together for at least one hour each Friday to focus on Drupal 8 criticals

Read on to find out what we got up to in the first week, but also how you can get involved.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 Now: PHPUnit tests in Drupal 7

Drupal 8 comes with built-in support for PHP Unit for unit-testing, the industry standard for unit-tests.

But that doesn't mean you can't use PHP Unit for your testing and CI in Drupal 7, if you structure your code well.

Read on to find out what you need to do to use PHP Unit in Drupal 7.

by lee.rowlands /

A lightweight default content solution for Drupal 7 install profiles

As you may have read last week, we're starting up a Drupal 8 CX initiative which will feature a site for tracking the status of Drupal 8 module ports.

We'll be displaying a curated list of modules that we've identified as priorities for Drupal 8. But in order for others to build their own site to track their own priorities, we're building the site using an install profile.

Because I'm using an automated phing task to 'burn and reinstall' the site on a regular basis, I needed a simple lightweight solution for default content - for things like blocks (using bean) and basic nodes.

Read-on to see my approach.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 Now: Object Oriented plugins in Drupal 7

Drupal 8's plugins system is the bees-knees, taking the lessons learnt from Drupal 7 and Ctools plugins.

But we want it now right?

So how can you write plugins for Drupal 7's ctools module that will be a breeze to update to Drupal 8?

Read on to find out more in this latest post in our Drupal 8 now series.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 Now: PSR-0 code in Drupal 7

Drupal 8 embraces modern PHP with all the trimmings, shedding the baggage of supporting earlier PHP versions and embracing the new object-oriented features.

One such feature is namespaced objects and the PSR-0 standard for autoloader compatability.

But if you know your project will run on a recent version of PHP, there's no reason you can't write your custom modules using PSR-0 now, in Drupal 7

by lee.rowlands /