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Drupal Development

So, you want your Drupal website to be accessible?

There are a lot of methods available for testing a Drupal site's accessibility. I will go through the methods I use from a high level to give a basic introduction into testing for a Drupal web site's accessibility.

Drupal Developer

Tour Module Part 2: Creating a Tour for your module

Drupal 8 comes with a new guided help API in the form of the Tour module. PreviousNext put a lot of effort into getting this module into Drupal 8 core prior to feature freeze and are excited by the possibilities it presents to ease the learning curve for new Drupal site-builders.

In part 1 of this post - we told the tale of how this module came to fruition. In this post, part 2, we provide examples of how you can add tour module support to your modules and talk about some of the advanced features of the API.

Tour Module Part 1: The Journey of Adding a Drupal Feature

Drupal 8 comes with a new guided help API in the form of the Tour module.

Here at PreviousNext we were instrumental in getting this module in prior to feature freeze and are excited by the possibilities it presents to ease the learning curve for new Drupal site-builders.

In this post we discuss how the module came about, how we went about building support for the idea and the way the API works.

In part two we will go on to show some examples of how you can add tour module support to your modules and talk about some of the advanced features of the API.

The Drupal 8 Patch a Day Challenge

We've entered the clean-up phase of the Drupal 8 release cycle. Drupal 8 is shaping up to be the best Drupal release to date - with a raft of new features and a less Drupal-centric developer experience.

So the question on everyone's lips is, when will Drupal 8 be released? The answer is the same as it has always been, 'When it is ready'!

We can't wait to start working with Drupal 8 on a daily basis. The new features will make our day-to-day jobs so much easier and our development workflow so much cleaner.

So to this effect, I'm aiming to work on one patch per day from now until the Drupal 8 release.

Will you join me in the Drupal 8 Patch a Day Challenge? Read on for more details.

DrupalCon Sydney - Real world continuous integration for Drupal

Continuous integration (CI) is a practice in software development that builds, tests and deploys changes automatically, usually multiple times a day, on each change to a code base. Find out how this practice can apply specifically to Drupal projects and see a working continuous integration setup in action and in a Drupal context.


Senior Drupal Developer

Understanding Drupal 8's config entities

Drupal 8 comes with a new type of entity, a config entity.

Those working with Drupal 7 will be familiar with entities for their content.

Drupal 8 introduces the concept of a config entity, which is very similar to a CTools exportable in Drupal 7, but with much of the entity system goodness.

PSR-0 and Class Autoloading for Drupal 7

Although Drupal 7 has some great class autoloading features available, in the last couple of years there have been some moves in the PHP community to create some more standardised methods for autoloading. Once such move is the PSR-0 standard, central to Drupal 8, and you can use it in your Drupal 7 projects right now.

Senior Developer

PNX selected to speak at DrupalCon Sydney 2013

Congratulations to the PreviousNext team members who had their DrupalCon Sydney 2013 sessions selected! With the complete list of sessions now officially announced, it's shaping up to be the biggest Drupal event to hit our shores.

Marketing Coordinator

Building Maps with OpenLayers in Drupal 7

You would think by now that maps would be all sorted out in Drupal 7, you would be wrong. Maps in Drupal, or anywhere, have never really been sorted out. Maps are a complicated tangle of moving parts. Starting a new project that needs maps can be a challenge. Fortunately, there is a solution with OpenLayers.

Senior Developer