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Drupal Development

Using the Migrate module to handle big data imports

We recently migrated a large, popular radio site from a bespoke .NET application to Drupal. Migrating large amounts of content, users, tags, relationships and files is made easier with the migrate module. Here's how we did it.

Drupal Developer

An Introduction to Bean Module

Bean stands for Block Entities Aren’t Nodes and provides a new method of displaying content on a Drupal site. Still require some clarification as to what this module provides? I sure did when I first looked at Bean so I will take you through the basics of implementing your own module that takes advantage of Beans. 

Understanding Drupal 8's plugin system

Drupal 8 comes with a brand new plugin system. This article provides a high-level overview of both the annotation and hook discovery mechanisms by examining a real world implementation in the form of core's Field API Widgets.

Migrating content from Solr to Drupal

Taking data from Drupal to Solr is common-place these days with the well-established Apache Solr and Search API Solr modules. But what happens when you need to take data the other way. This article explores migrating legacy data from a Solr Index to Drupal nodes.