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Lee Rowlands
Senior Developer






Lee has 22 years professional development experience with PHP, is a member of the security team and maintains the forum, comment, contact, contextual and block content modules in Drupal core along with at least 30 contrib projects. He is also the framework manager for core.

My blog posts

A potential default content solution for Drupal 8 core

Inspired by Jeff Eaton and Roy Scholten's session on install profiles from Drupalcon Prague, I recently set about building a potential Snowman install profile for a musician using Drupal 8.

During the process I came across a few bugs in core (patches filed of course) and then started working on the main missing piece of the puzzle - a default content solution - using the REST and Serialization API's already in core.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 won't kill your kittens

Lately there's been some scuttlebutt and FUD around about the architectural changes Drupal 8 brings.

So I presented at the Drupal Melbourne meetup (remotely) a presentation titled 'Drupal 8 won't kill your kittens' in an attempt to dispel some of the rumours.

So here's the summary of my main points along with the slides and audio.

by lee.rowlands /

Using Behat and DrupalDriver? Beware pathauto.

Here at PreviousNext we love behat. We use it as part of our CI builds to make sure that we're not introducing regressions and it's a great fit for our Agile methodologies. But we recently had some issues with weird behaviour in our tests, such as page manager pages not working. Read on to find what was the cause and how we tackled them.

by lee.rowlands /

Setting priorities for Drupal 8 in the lead up to code freeze

The Drupal 8 code freeze on July 1st is a bit over a month away.

In light of this fast approaching deadline I felt it was time to reassess my list of 'must haves' to focus my priorities for the next four weeks onto the issues that matter the most to me.

Here are my the ten issues at the top of my list. Want to share yours? Leave us a comment

by lee.rowlands /

Understanding Drupal 8's Modal API and Dialog Controller

It is common knowledge that Drupal 8 contains Views module, thanks to the work from the Views in Drupal Core (VDC) initiative.

Our contribution to the VDC initiative was working on abstracting Views UI's modal pattern into a generic modal API in core.

Recently one of the coolest pieces of this API was committed to core.

You can now load any content in a modal simply by adding a class and an attribute to any link.

Sound cool? Read on to learn more.

by lee.rowlands /

A recipe for a sane git process in Drupal's patch based workflow

Drupal uses a patch based workflow. Changes to core and contrib projects are suggested in the form of patches attached to each project's issue queue. This is nothing new.

But this is not the norm for projects that use git for version control. Normally they use a traditional git branch/fork process - issues are worked on in branches or forks, when ready a pull request is sent, when approved the code is merged.

The git workflow has a number of advantages over the patch workflow, the most notable being there is no need to re-roll patches - you just merge HEAD instead.

So given Drupal uses the patch workflow, this article shares what I've found to be a successful recipe for maximizing the features of git in the patch workflow constraints.

This recipe has several advantages, including ease of creating interdiffs.

by lee.rowlands /

Tour Module Part 2: Creating a Tour for your module

Drupal 8 comes with a new guided help API in the form of the Tour module. PreviousNext put a lot of effort into getting this module into Drupal 8 core prior to feature freeze and are excited by the possibilities it presents to ease the learning curve for new Drupal site-builders.

In part 1 of this post - we told the tale of how this module came to fruition. In this post, part 2, we provide examples of how you can add tour module support to your modules and talk about some of the advanced features of the API.

by lee.rowlands /

Tour Module Part 1: The Journey of Adding a Drupal Feature

Drupal 8 comes with a new guided help API in the form of the Tour module.

Here at PreviousNext we were instrumental in getting this module in prior to feature freeze and are excited by the possibilities it presents to ease the learning curve for new Drupal site-builders.

In this post we discuss how the module came about, how we went about building support for the idea and the way the API works.

In part two we will go on to show some examples of how you can add tour module support to your modules and talk about some of the advanced features of the API.

by lee.rowlands /