Nick SchuchOperations Lead
VIDEO: Come on a journey with us into the past. Discover the lessons we’ve learned along the way as the Skpr hosting platform has grown and evolved.
Otherwise known as 'A love letter to Skpr', this DrupalSouth session was not only a timeline (starting with 'the box' or virtual machines) but also a chance to explore cloud native platform concepts.
Presented at DrupalSouth Wellington 2023.
Why is load testing important, and how can you use the k6 tool to perform improved load testing?
Skpr provides a compelling command line workflow for developers.
In this blog post we will be demonstrating Skpr by going through the fundamental commands: package, deploy and config.
Skpr - pronounced Skipper - is a cloud hosting platform specifically designed to maximise the productivity of development teams by giving them full control right from the command line.