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Migrate from drush_cmi_tools for Drupal 9

Prior to Drupal 9, Drush CMI Tools was our standard approach for config management. Drush CMI tools have been deprecated for Drupal 9 and replaced by the Config Ignore 3 community-supported project that provides the same functionality.

Update to Drupal core 8.4, a step by step guide

Drupal 8.4 is stable! With 8.3 coming to end of life, it's important to update your projects to the latest and greatest. This blog will guide you through upgrading from Drupal core 8.3 to 8.4 while avoiding those nasty and confusing composer dependency errors.

Introducing Drush CMI tools

Now we've got the experience of a number of production D8 sites under our belt we took the time to consolidate our CMI workflow into some useful drush commands.

And naturally we've open sourced them.

Read on to find out more about our drush CMI tools.
