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We're presenting and mentoring at DrupalCon Portland!

by Owen Lansbury /

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Chris Skene to present, and Kim Pepper to mentor at the Drupal 8 code sprints in Portland, Oregon.

Chris Skene's session, UX Spaces: A New Approach to Site Building and Front-end Design for Drupal introduces an approach to planning Drupal site build's called "User Experience Spaces". This session is based on one originally presented at DrupalCon Sydney, but has been adapted and extended for a new audience. As PreviousNext's Canberra-based consultant, Chris specialises in enterprise-grade Drupal, semantic web and digital publishing in the government & not-for-profit sectors.

PreviousNext Technical Director and Co-Founder Kim Pepper will also be attending, continuing his role from DrupalCon Sydney as a mentor and contributor in the various code-sprints for Drupal 8. Sprints are an opportunity for the hundreds of people who work remotely on Drupal code to get together in the same room and push towards completing new features and solving complex technical hurdles as part of Drupal 8's development.

Going to a DrupalCon is an incredibly valuable (and fun) experience, and PreviousNext has a policy of funding event tickets and accommodation for our team members who want to attend but haven't been accepted as speakers. Front-end developer, Robert Caracaus, will be joining Kim and Chris in Portland on this basis, and using the opportunity to visit friends and family in San Diego afterwards.

If you'd like to meet up with the PreviousNext team in Portland, connect with @Scorchio96 (Kim), @xtfer (Chris) and @RobertCaracaus on Twitter.

See you at DrupalCon Portland!