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Lee Rowlands
Senior Developer






Lee has 22 years professional development experience with PHP, is a member of the security team and maintains the forum, comment, contact, contextual and block content modules in Drupal core along with at least 30 contrib projects. He is also the framework manager for core.

My blog posts

Introducing Drush CMI tools

Now we've got the experience of a number of production D8 sites under our belt we took the time to consolidate our CMI workflow into some useful drush commands.

And naturally we've open sourced them.

Read on to find out more about our drush CMI tools.

by lee.rowlands /

Drupal 8 FTW: Is it a test or is it a form? Actually, its both

As you'd be aware by now - Drupal 8 features lots of refactoring of form procedural code to object-oriented.

One such refactoring was the way forms are build, validated and executed.

One cool side-effect of this is that you can now build and test a form with a single class.

Yep that's right, the form and the test are one and the same - read on to find out more.

by lee.rowlands /

Refactoring Drupal batch API callbacks to increase testability

Drupal's Batch API is great, it allows you to easily perform long running processes with feedback to the user.

But during Drupal 8's development processes it was one of the remaining systems that didn't get the full object oriented, service-based architecture.

Much of the batch API is largely unchanged from Drupal 7.

But that doesn't mean you can't write unit-testable callbacks.

Let's get started.

by lee.rowlands /

Making Drupal 8's menu active trail consider query arguments

On a recent Drupal 8 client project our client was building listing pages using views exposed filters and adding these to the menu.

This resulted in several menu URLs pointing to the same base path, but with the query arguments determining the difference.

However Drupal 8's default menu-trail calculation was resulting in the menu highlighting all instances when one of them was viewed.

Luckily the active trail calculation is done in a service and it was simple to modify the default behaviour.

Read on to see how we did it.

by lee.rowlands /

Making Drupal 8 datetime widgets use human formats

Drupal 8 includes a datetime field type and widget out of the box.

The widget uses the HTML5 date element on supported browsers, providing a polyfill to a text field with jQuery UI's datepicker for browsers that don't yet support HTML5 date inputs.

However - HTML5 date formats always work in ISO8601 format - ie YYYY-MM-DD - which isn't very user-friendly for those using Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Luckily, with a few tweaks you can easily swap this into DD/MM/YYYY format for those browsers and then switch it back server side into the format Drupal expects.


by lee.rowlands /

Overriding services in Drupal 8 - advanced cases

Drupal 8 comes with a services based architecture allowing clean dependency injection, separation of concerns and another way to modify how Drupal works without hacking core

You've probably heard that Drupal 8 lets you swap out a core service for your own implementation, hey, I even said it myself here and here, but how do you achieve that?

Read on to find out how to manipulate Drupal 8 services at run-time and how this compares to other popular PHP Frameworks like Laravel, Silex and Symfony

by lee.rowlands /